Hello, I'm Geoff

Seeking full stack opportunities as of September 2022.

I'm an NYC-based senior web developer with all-around experience leading large digital projects. I'm also a former finance practitioner with expertise in capital markets, lending, and structured products. Would love to speak to you about engineering opportunities.

Things I'm Good At

  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Leading Large Digital Projects
  • Python
  • Data and IT Strategy
  • Building fast web apps with React
  • Capital Markets

Technical Skills

JavaScript, Python, React, Redux, Flask, Express, HTML5, CSS3, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Git, Docker, Heroku, Sequelize

My Personal Projects

Hospital Prices

A fast and responsive data tool that tracks pricing of hospital services and procedures, seeking to bring healthcare price transparency to consumers.

Built with Flask, SQLAlchemy, and React. Most of the app's rendering logic is centralized in a fast Redux store.

Dark Overflow

An alternative to Stack Overflow.

Features session-based user authentication, search, and conditional rendering of web components in vanilla JavaScript.

Robinhood Clone

An exercise in pixel-perfect web design with live charting and dashboard functionality.

Built with Flask, React, Redux, and utilizes 3rd party api endpoints for equity price data.

Gift Discovery

A forum for sharing gift ideas.

The app is built on Javascript, Express, React, and integrates with AWS for photo storage.

Contact Me

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